


クオータビザ = VIP という図式は存在しないです。





    Sec (13). Under the conditions set forth in this Act, there may be admitted in the Philippines immigrants, termed “quota immigrants(13)” not in excess of fifty (50) of any one nationality or without nationality for any one calendar year, except that the following immigrants, termed “non-quota immigrants(13a,b,c,d,e,f,g)“, may be admitted without regard to such numerical limitations.
The corresponding Philippine Consular representative abroad shall investigate and certify the eligibility of a quota immigrant previous to his admission into the Philippines. Qualified and desirable aliens who are in the Philippines under temporary stay may be admitted within the quota, subject to the provisions of the last paragraph of section 9 of this Act.
(13a)    The wife or the husband or the unmarried child under twenty-one years of age of a Philippine citizen, if accompanying or following to join such citizen;
(13b)    A child of alien parents born during the temporary visit abroad of the mother, the mother having been previously lawfully admitted into the Philippines for permanent residence, if the child is accompanying or coming to join a parent and applies for admission with five years from the date of its birth;
(13c)    A child born subsequent to the issuance of the immigration visa of the accompanying parent, the visa not having expired;
(13d)    A woman who was a citizen of the Philippines and who lost her citizenship because of her marriage to an alien or by reason of the loss of Philippine citizenship by her husband, and her unmarried child under twenty-one, if accompanying or following to join her;
(13e)    A person previously lawfully admitted into the Philippines for permanent residence, who is returning from a temporary visit abroad to an unrelinquished residence in the Philippines;
(13f)    The wife or the husband or the unmarried child under twenty-one years of age, of an alien lawfully admitted in the Philippines for permanent residence prior to the date on which this Act becomes effective and who is resident therein, if such wife, husband, or child applies for admission with a period of two years following the date on which this Act becomes effective; and
(13g)    A natural born citizen of the Philippines, who has been naturalized in foreign country, and is returning to the Philippines for permanent residence, including his spouse and minor children shall be considered a non-quota immigrant for purposes of entering the Philippines. [As amended by Republic Act No. 4376]

Sec 14. The nationality of an immigrant whose admission is subject to the numerical limitations imposed by section thirteen of this Act shall be that of the country of which the immigrant is a citizen or subject, self governing dominions being treated as separate countries. The nationality of an immigrant possessing dual nationality may be that of either of the two countries regarding him as a citizen or subject if he applies for a visa in a third country, but if he applies for such visa within one of the two countries regarding him as a national, his nationality shall be that of the country in which he shall file his application.

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